CEM Software

Empowering companies to stand out with customer experience

CEM software helps you monitor your company’s performance.

CEM software solutions capture feedback from every customer interaction. They provide clear and compelling reports which make it easy to analyze to understand emerging trends and customer issues. And they facilitate actions to drive improvement through individual customer recovery that is focused on solving issues and through process and product improvement actions which create more fundamental changes. CEM software has proven just as vital to monitoring company performance as financial accounting systems.

For your entire organization.

Visible Stars makes customer experience improvement a systematic, organization-wide effort. Our software gathers feedback from every customer at every touchpoint, and then embeds the data across your organization. Our system doesn’t just give employees the insight they need, but guides them to take the actions required to improve.

  • The voice of your customer on one platform: Visible Stars gathers the voice of the customer from every one of your touchpoints — the web, social, mobile, location-based, and in your call center — giving you a unified view of the customer experience across your entire organization.
  • Tailored to everyone in your organization: Visible Stars engages your whole organization by making feedback relevant. We tailor insights and facilitated actions to the day-to-day reality of your organization — from the C-suite to the frontline — so they turn to Visible Stars as a regularly as their morning cup of coffee.
  • In real time: Visible Stars’s online analytical processing (OLAP) engine enables you to easily create custom queries on your CX data — even with millions of records — and see the results within one second.

The result: your organization will become highly engaged in improving your customers’ experience.


Visible Stars Experience Cloudâ„¢

Visible Stars Experience Cloudâ„¢, a software-as-a-service platform, uniquely fuses human and machine learning to reveal the most relevant customer insights, and makes them actionable to every role across your organization.

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You focus on the customer, we focus on the engine.

Your CEM program should be about customers. With our software, you are able to leave the advanced analytics and best practices to us — so you can focus on creating a company that your customers love.

  • Advanced social, text and predictive analytics: Visible Stars has native support for advanced social, text and predictive analytics. This generates insights from reviews and social sites, finds root causes hidden in text, and prioritizes action based on what will generate the greatest improvement.
  • Built-in best practices: Are you trying to determine what kinds of questions to ask, or how often you should proactively ask for feedback? Visible Stars not only gives you a world-class application for capturing, analyzing and acting on the voice of the customer — but we also have built best practices into our delivery process and product.
  • International built-in: You’re a global company, and you have customers and employees across the world. We have full support for more than 40 languages, and fully supports bi-directional languages and multi-byte characters.

In other words: we provide you with everything you need to run a successful customer experience management program — one that drives an ongoing improvement of your customer experience.